Monday, January 27, 2014

You Are Chosen

            9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

            Lets break this verse down.  In the beginning of this chapter, Peter is describing evil behavior and saying that you are not like that.  He is saying that you are chosen.  You are not only set apart, but you are also royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  YOU ARE GOD’S!!!  That should make you feel like you are on top of the world.  You are chosen to be a royal priest, a holy nation, and God’s very own child.  You are special.  But with great title come great responsibility.  You have to show others that you are chosen by showing God’s goodness throughout the world.  You must show others the way out of the darkness because God has taken you out of the darkness and you know the way out!  This verse shows me that I am not just an ordinary person, but I have a calling on my life.  I am set apart from everyone else because I have purpose in my life to fulfill and I’m not going to let anyone get in my way.  I AM CHOSEN!!!!!!!

6 “Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them.  Joshua 1:6



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