Thursday, August 25, 2011

Team Values to Live by

Recently i was asked by our exe. pastor to make a list of values that we as a staff team should live by when dealing with each other. It sent me on a journey, so i thought i would share my thoughts with you.

Tell me what you think of these 10 Values to live by as a teammate.

There are some things that should be the desire from all staff members.
Here are ten values, I as a staff should live, love & lead by.

1. Love God. I want to be a person who authentically loves God every day. There is not a need for an extremely gifted person who seems to only live a life of religious routine. I want to truly know and love God and love working with the team, God has synced me with.

2. Live a life of faith. I want to model walking with the Lord in true faith, by stepping out in ways that don’t always make sense to our human minds. Peter walking on the water was witnessed by the others. I do not want to witness the miraculous, i want to experience it!

3. Be a true spiritual leader. In the church, we call ourselves “spiritual leaders,” so I want to actually lead in spiritual things. I need to be spiritually-focused and spirit-led in interacting with the team.

4. Know and love Scripture. I want to be in Scripture regularly, interacting with it, and seeking to know it better. My entire Christian faith stems from the truths of Scripture, therefore, i seek to know it for myself and for the team I am in spiritual leadership with.

5. Avoid behavior management. I desire to be more concerned about the spiritual condition of our team than them having proper or improper behavior. I want them to witness, regularly, my heart and my actions being in tune with the spirit of the team. My most opportune moment for this is when disagreements occur.

6. Hang with the team. Relationships are started at a meeting, but built outside of that time. I desire to spend as much time with the team outside of weekly meetings as possible, without compromising my family or personal time.

7. Know the big picture. I want to, regardless of the age-stage I am working with, to realize that my branch in this ministry, as vital as it may be, is just a part of a life-long discipleship process of the individuals i am leading with the my fellow teammates. My ministry isn’t the end, but simply a means to a much greater end (Philippians 1:6) for every student I lead for a season thate we, as a team, groom for eternity.

8. Integrate into families. Having relationships with the team is great, but getting to know and love their families is far better. We are players on the starting line-up. I want to find ways to positively reinforce what we are endeavoring to do in our meetings by having a greater chemistry between families, not just colleagues.

9. Force thought. I desire to force our team to think, not just be given answers. Far too many meetings have been spoon-fed activities & ideas into my life, never being forced to think through own my own and then share from my perspective. This is detrimental, and a major cause of team detachment. I want to respectfully challenge the process and base the outcome off the truth that is the Word of God and for the betterment of the Whole.

10. Be teachable. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to teach someone who is unteachable. I define a teacher as a constant student who has learned (and is still learning)a lesson worth passing on. I need to understand that this is the means by which the Lord brings me to greater maturity (1 Peter 5:1-2; Ephesians 4:11-16).

hope i helped, gw

Monday, August 1, 2011

Advice to Young Guys Stepping into Ministry

Recently, I was to give a few suggestions for young ministers who were stepping into ministry to consider as they walk into the zany world that is the Church. It went over so well, i thought i would throw them at you to see if they help!!
here we go:

1. Have an out. Life cannot ALWAYS be about the business of the Lord. Sabbath is commandment #4 in case you forgot. Find your "calgon, take me away" thing and make sure it is a CONSTANT part of your life! Me? I like blowing stuff up with my guns!! scary, i know!

2. Preserve your wife's church. This is a HUGE mistake i see happen. Guys come and blast the church and everything about the staff, etc. Guys feel better, but women (for the most part) internalize everything and hold grudges. I suggest never discussing a problem in the heat of the battle. Wait until you have the issue resolved and then talk to her about it. You won't be stressed and she will not feel the need to defend your honor. Example: If you have ran the minister of music in the dirt all week, it will be nearly impossible for her to be led into God's presence by him/her on Sunday. Be smart for family, not selfish to make yo feel better.

3. Go HOME. You will NEVER make every person happy! you will NEVER send enough emails! You will NEVER visit enough hospitals! You will NEVER do it all! set a time you are going to leave and GO HOME! When you get home, be there! These are the people who deserve to get all of you, as well.

4. Reserve your 1st impression for your 3rd interaction. People are so guarded by nature and they work hard to make themselves look better than they really are. Give people a chance before you throw them in a category they aren't really suited for, good or bad. Bottom line, it takes time to KNOW people.

5. Relational. Relational. Relational. Any long-term ministry team has to be balanced with relationship. Too much focus on the business relationship, and your relationship will exist as long as there isn't a better deal. Too much focus on the personal relationship side, and the person will grow less respectful of you and the office you hold. either way, people have to get to know you. They buy into people before vision and purpose is enticing enough to make a change for.

6. Learn to "Play ALL the Instruments." Everybody's not the same so you can't treat them the same. A saxophone and trombone require two different methods of making music come out. Yet both are vital to a jazz band. Learn what people need and make a melody that is in harmony with others on your team.

7. Have a Creation mindset. Take your God-sized dream and make it into a man-sized stratedgy. At each accomplishment on the way to your overall goal, have an "It is Good" celebration! make sure you involve yourself as an honored guest to that party!

Hope i helped,