Monday, February 1, 2010

Leaders MUST BE "Led"

How many times have you wondered how effective you are as a leader? There may be no "I" in TEAM, but there are 2 "I"s in WINNING!!  Below are my notes from a recent leadership workshop i did. Enjoy.

Hope this helps!! gw
Leaders must be “Led”

The Principle: To continually experience the ecstasy of effective leadership you must experience consistently the stabilizing of selfless servant hood.

Keys to Effective Leadership
Key #1: Growth Is Demanded
     Personal Motto: “If you do not “grow”, you will not “go.”
     Illustration: Baby stages of development
     Application: Develop a Personal Growth Discipline that challenges who you are and where you are verses who and where you want to be.

Key #2: Be a “Timothy” and a “Paul”
     Poor Leaders are people who are not “poured” into.
     “Always sit at the feet of great men.” DLK
     1. Find someone who is where you want to be.
     2. To be an effective leader, you must be a constant reader
     Adequate leaders are people who do not add to others what they’ve learned, themselves.
     Let others learn from the price you paid for your education.
Key #3: The Two I’s
     “There may not be an I in TEAM, but there are 2 I’s in WINNING.” gw
A. I = Initiative
     The secret to success: to tend unflinchingly towards a goal.
     Notice I did not say unfailingly!
     “To fail is not to lose, but rather, its research for your next win” Chris Hill
     “Before I found the 1 way to create the light bulb, I first found one million ways not too.” Thomas Edison
     Trust me: You will always pay for your education, but you will never learn from that teaching moment without a passion/drive to do so.
Crucial Point:
     You can be taught how to “take” initiative.
     You can not be taught how to “have” initiative.
     As a leader with initiative, you must initiate.
     Defined: To begin or originate.
     To introduce a new field, skill, activity, or interest.
     Iows: “if it is to be, it’s up to me.”

Applications for the “Leader”:
#1: You have to decide what it is God wants you to want.
#2: You have to live moving towards it.
#3: You have to see it and define what it looks like.
#4: You have to a cast vision so compelling that others want it with you and for you.

A Favorite quote of mine:
     “Greatness is not where we stand, but in what direction we’re moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it- But sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

B. I = Instinct - Initiative cannot be utilized without instinct to do so.
     Defined: An inner pattern of behavior that is not leaned.
     A powerful motivation or impulse.
     A natural capability or aptitude
     You are always searching for what can work better, even in the moment.
     “You gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away……” the gambler

A Great Leader’s plan is always negotiable in the moment.
     “You have to make room to adlib, because some ideas sound good but are just stupid.”

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