Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday at Judah - Keyona Colbeth

"Praise That Betrays" was the title of Pastor Glenn's message this Sunday, (Matthew 26:1-50).  Jesus told Judas that he was going to betray Him because Jesus knew what really was in Judas' heart.  Even though Judas had spent personal time with Jesus his praise wasn't truly there.  Judas' betrayal didn't come from his hands but from his lips!  Let that sink in for a moment!

Like Judas' kiss our praise can be a betrayal to God.  Just because we praise Him doesn't mean we are giving Him the praise that He deserves.  Praise isn't just closing our eyes and clapping our hands.  True praise, that God receives, is not self-motivated but it's driven by the faith that God will put himself in the middle of our problems.  Jesus teaches us praise because He knows the power it holds in our fight against the enemy.  Pastor Glenn said "The enemy is there to stop us from getting to the next phase of our life or even take what we already have."  However, Psalm 8:2 states "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."  Giving false praise is in turn telling God that you don't think He is big enough to handle your problems.

Listening to PG's message Sunday made me think about the way I praise. There have been plenty of times where I have just raised my hand and sang the lyrics to a song not truly realizing my "kiss of betrayal."  Giving God the glory, honor, and true praise is my focus this week.  Are you praising with the right motives and is your praise being received?

Have a blessed week,

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday with PG - Keyona Colbeth

This week Shabbach Master's Commission students met with Pastor Glenn at Starbucks for a time of Discipleship. PG taught us the importance of Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Breaking down this verse showed us how truly important it is to our Christian walk. The important words in this verse are: wages, sin, death, gift, of God, eternal life, and Christ Jesus.
It was important to then look at what each word means.
 Wages: A Payment
 Sin: Willfully doing wrong Death:
Separation - The payment for willfully doing wrong is separation. -
 Gift: Something willingly given to someone without payment
 Of God: Something that was already
His Eternal Life: Togetherness or connection with God forever - The Gift of God is togetherness or connection with Him forever. -
The picture shows how he had us set this up on a Starbucks napkin. This is an easy fundamental tool for evangelizing in everyday situations. All you need is Romans 6:23, a napkin, and a pen! The point is that you're always ready no matter where you are. We all start out on the left side of the napkin. BUT through the gift of Christ Jesus we are able to reach the right side and that is to eternal life. The walk across will present you with obstacles. We sometimes have trials and just because you get to the right side doesn't mean you can't go back. "God never said it would be easy but it will be worth the fight." Are you willing to reach out to the stranger sitting next to you in Starbucks? Like Pastor Glenn says, "There is an assignment wherever you go you just have to keep it." #Imnotscared Have a blessed week, Keyona