Every year we witness lives CHANGED at Shabbach, but we often see students return back to their old life a few weeks after the conferences. We don't want to see this happen this year! Here are 5 things you can do to stay CONNECTED to the change that took place at Shabbach 2012...
1. Stay CONNECTED to fellow Shabbachers- do not let yourself be isolated from those who experienced this weekend with you. The enemy would love to sever your ties because this is your support system and accountability group. Bring a Shabbach attitude into your youth service and watch God show up!
2. Stay CONNECTED to a Youth Worker- your youth worker can remind you of the commitments made at the conference and keep you accountable. Reach out to them, ask questions, tell them about your experiences this weekend. Let them partner with you to keep the change going.
3.Stay CONNECTED to Your Armband- sometimes you have to remind yourself what God did for you. Every time you look down you will be reminded of the change that took place. Declare to yourself "I'M NOT GOIN' BACK!"
4. Stay CONNECTED to the Word- God speaks through his word. It is there where God reveals his thoughts and his plan. Get into your BIble on a daily basis and allow your thought life to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
5. Stay CONNECTED in Prayer- carve out time every day to pray. Get a prayer journal and record what has been done this weekend and what you are praying for God to continue to do in your life. Prayer is the avenue through which God continues to change us!